Patchwork Quilt
Patchwork Quilt for Charity
单纯的只是想给孤儿们车被子, 没想到今天收到越南那里寄来的奖状。虽然付出并不是要求回报, 但是受到肯定还是很开心!
Quilt for Charity - Nepal
4月头去了一趟尼泊尔,由小姑的朋友安排参观了当地的佛寺。从加德满都乘坐小型van车前往,需要2个小时。一路颠簸,上到山头却是另外一番风景;值得!在佛寺外的小茶馆,看到山下一群小喇嘛嘻嘻哈哈的在踢足球,上着体育课。因为深怕打扰到他们,也不敢提议跟小喇嘛有任何接触;其实心里面非常想。也不知为什么?当我看到身穿栗色衣服的僧侣和小喇嘛,感觉特别开心!也许喜欢他们的纯朴,天真。后来知道佛寺里头的小喇嘛,除了是自愿住在寺庙的,还有一些是郊外村子付不起学费的家长把孩子交托给寺庙;让孩子可以接受教育。当下决定一定要为孩子做些什么。前个礼拜知道有一群朋友即将在下个月前往那家佛寺,我兴起了要替小喇嘛们缝制被子过冬的念头; 结果得到2个朋友的大力支持。她们俩,一共缝制了11张被子。我自己闭关了整个礼拜,蒙头垢脸; 也搞好了10张。没有上班7年了,忘记自己还有如此能耐。宝刀未老a, 哈哈! 这里特别感谢之前把2手床单/ 布碎捐出来给我的朋友。没有你们的热心,我光有一股傻劲也是无法成事!谢谢大家!Sewn 21 pieces of blankets for the little lama in Nepal monastery, supported by Hui Boon and Aunty Lay Hong who made 11, and myself 10 pieces. Also wanted to take this opportunity to thanks those friends who donated their second hand bedsheets and fabrics to make this happen. Thank you Pat Koh for helping to brng them over. — with Alvina Thung and 10 others. i
Quilt for Charity - Vietnam Orphanage
Do they look familiar to you? Yes, these are the second hand bed sheets donated by friends and I had revived them into blankets eventually will be handed over to orphanage home in Vietnam. I had sewn 10 so far, adult size for bigger children, will continue the remaining numbers upon return from KL. Thank you friends for donating the clothes, and bed sheets. Also wanted to thank Wong Yi Thong who is willing to let go of her little suitcase which she used for travelling during her younger days.